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Monday, April 28, 2014

Rich man getting, poor man getting Poorer?!?

Even wonder why this scenario is getting seriously?

The answer is the divergence in the level of financial education. In you mind, you may think that what you had to do is to get a good job, work hard, do as you are told and wait to be rewarded with salary increment and bonuses. But wait... when is the last time you get it? Hmm.. forget it, I can't recall mine anyway...

In the old days, companies took care of you financially for life,in the past, you didn't need to be financially savvy to be assured of a healthy nest egg. All you had to do was to depend on your company to look after you and leave your money managers and financial advisers.

In this technology bombing era, it is a whole new ball game for you to getting rich. Only those who are financially savvy will have the opportunity to get richer, while the financially unlearned will only get poorer, no matter how hard they work and how much they save. Gone are the days when we can blindly entrust our money to bankers and financial advisers.

Just listen to the horror stories of people who have lost their life savings to AAA-rated Lehman Brothers bonds back in 2008. Having a good education, getting a good job and working hard can no longer guarantee you financial success. This is simply because salaries can no longer keep pace with inflation. Nowadays, a middle class family with a household income of $10,000 per month finds themselves being barely able to save enough to ever retire.

To their dismay, many realize that they have to work all the way to their grave. Sound pity... but is true! To have any hope of building wealth today, you must have the financial intelligence to build multiple streams of passive income by investing in the right assets. You must have the financial know how to grow your savings at a rate much faster than inflation. Only those who have a high level of financial education will be able to see and capitalize on the tremendous opportunities that are present today.

I truly believe that everyone can and deserves to be financially successful. All they need is the right financial guidance and correct mentorship by experienced coach! Not sure you want to be richer or poorer, if you choose the first one, then I would like to congrats to you that perhaps you may be the next millionaire and who know you are also the next rich daddy!

If you want need a key to the open the success door, HERE is it!

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